Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When Parents Get Their Tattoos Removed...

Check out this great blog entry on a parent (in this case, a famous one) removing their tattoos so that their kids wont get 'em from the folks at Blink Tattoo Removal.  Here at TRS, we run into this reasoning all the time and in fact, sometimes parents will bring their kids in with them (if they're olde nough to handle it) so that they'll think long and hard before getting inked themselves!

"Mark Wahlberg Removes Tattoos to Set Good Example for His Kids" from Blink Tattoo Removal (link above)

"We recently had a post about parents considering laser tattoo removal for their children’s sake. Many parents feel that their tattoo is no longer a reflection of who they are today, especially after becoming parents. They want to set the best example for their kids and feel that removing their tattoo is a step in the right direction.
Family man, Mark Wahlberg, who stars in the new film Contraband, was recently on David Letterman explaining this exact scenario. Wahlberg stated; “I have a lot of tattoos and I’m having them all removed.” When the “Today” show asked the reason behind the tattoo removal, Wahlberg explained that while removing the tattoo is not always the most pleasant experience he, “doesn’t want to set a bad example for his kids.” While this Oscar nominated actor continues to make blockbuster films he is adamant that the most important role he plays in life is being a husband and father. He stated on the “Today” show,  “If I succeed as a business man but fail as a father than it has all been for nothing...”