Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unemployment and Tattoo Removal

The correlation between tattoo removal and the unemployment rate is a direct one, at least very unofficially from behind the desk here at TRS.  It seems that as the unemployment rate goes up, so does the "rate" of people wanting to get their tattoos removed (or maybe just the desire/necessity.)  It makes sense-if two candidates are applying for one job and have, theoretically, the exact same experience and skill-set, the one with a fire breathing dragon on his neck is probably going to be the one to get the boot.  In fact, a non-profit tattoo removal center in the Bay Area has taken it upon themselves to provide for ex-gang members that want to disassociate from that part of their pasts and look for employment.  Or, as this article from the Times Colonist shows, visible tattoos can have effect on your upward mobility at the job.  Sermonizing aside (and I promise, I still like well-done, well thought out ink) tattoos and their removal can definitely have an effect on your personal prospects in the job market and, I suppose, vice versa.

Photo Credit: New Skin Adult Tattoo Removal


  1. Many cultures and continents. Although most psychological studies of persons with tattoo have been restricted to psychiatric inpatients, prisoners in correctional institutions, and military personnel .

  2. Tattoo Regret proves to be big business for the tattoo removal industry!
